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Prawn Furikake 日本海苔拌飯-海蝦風味

Size: 10G

Benefits :

  • Iodine: The nori in furikake is an extraordinary wellspring of iodine; truth be told, it might be the most extravagant normal wellspring of it.
  • Protein: The bonito in furikake flavoring isn’t just a wellspring of the umami note, it additionally carries protein to the dish. Sesame seeds also contain protein.
  • Calcium: Calcium inadequacy is initially what furikake flavoring was intended to treat. The mix is a decent wellspring of it with the mineral originating from a few components, for example, the seaweed and chile peppers.
  •  Vitamins: The nori in furikake is a decent wellspring of different vitamins, vitamin B nutrients specifically.

How to use :

  • 炸虾片配furikake / shrimp chips with furikake
  • 抱子甘蓝杂烩配虾和松茸 / brussel sprout hash with shrimp and furikake


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Frequently bought with Prawn Furikake 日本海苔拌飯-海蝦風味